Nyack's Sidewalk Incentive Program

The Village of Nyack Village Board of Trustees is excited to announce that we have established a fund for a Sidewalk Incentive Program, which aims to enhance pedestrian safety, accessibility and the overall aesthetic of our beloved Village. 

The Village Board believes that all citizens benefit when sidewalks are in good condition and the goal of the Program is to assist residential property owners in making needed repairs and/or replacements to public sidewalks. 

Well-Maintained Sidewalks: 

• Help alleviate motor vehicle congestion by making pedestrian travel more attractive.
• Facilitate travel by those who are unable to, or choose not, to drive a car.
• Contribute to the general upkeep of the Village of Nyack’s neighborhoods.
• Improve the quality of life for Village residents and visitors to the Village.
• Allow unimpeded travel for disabled residents and visitors, and comply with the regulations
of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

Key Details of the Program:

 Eligibility: Sidewalks on owner occupied single-family or two-family residential properties are eligible for the Program. Already completed projects are not eligible for the Program. 

 Funding: The Village will reimburse a property owner up to a maximum of 50% of the property owner’s total project cost, capped at a maximum reimbursement amount of $1,500.00. For property owners who earned less than the County median household income in 2023 ($100,000) the funding maximum increases to $2,000.00. Village funding available is $25,000 for Fiscal Year 2024 – 2025, and funding priority factors are as follows: 

  1.  Condition and location of sidewalk. Poorer condition = higher priority.
  2.  Planned Village infrastructure work that will tear up and replace sidewalks ( e.g., water mains, gas lines, etc.) within the next 3 years = lower priority.

For an application to apply for the Sidewalk Incentive Program 2024 - Click here! Paper Copies are available at Village Hall.

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